Interactive visualization of volumetric data in 3D.

Author(s): John Rosasco

Quick Start:

Left Mouse: Rotate view.
Middle Mouse: Translate view.
Right Mouse: Scale.
Menu Quit: Exits application

Note: This demo is best when the frame buffer is set to 32+32 (use xscreen to check settings)

More Details:

This Volume Rendering Primer provides an example of hardware accelerated volume rendering on the Silicon Graphics O2 workstation.

vrp2DO2 was written for the express purpose of providing an easy to understand example of hardware accelerated volume rendering. vrp2DO2 uses hardware accelerated color lookup tables, digital media buffers, and 2D textures for a high performance solution to volume rendering on the O2 workstation from Silicon Graphics. For convenience, vrp2DO2 uses OpenInventor for embedded geometry logic providing a common geometry file format.

Alternate Data Sets
The following data sets require a system configured with more than 64Mb   of memory.

    headData.vrp     color     no color
    A single channel medical computed tomography scan
   (Similar to the default volume, smallHead, with larger images.)

    rgbaData.vrp     color     no color
    Loads a four channel computer generated data set.

Menu Options
  • File: Open volume data set; Exit program
  • Composite: Blend, Max Intensity Projection (IP), Min IP
  • Interpolation: Linear, Nearest
  • LUT: RGBA, Medical
  • Options: Reset View, Performance Test, Show Polygons, Axis
Slider Bars
Assorted sliders may be used to alter the display of Air, Fat, Tissue, or Bone in Medical mode; or the gain levels in RGBA mode. Sliders for window leveling are also provided.
Command Line Options
  • -h/-help: Display command line options
  • -medical: Load data set in medical mode
  • -color: Load data set in color mode
  • filename: Supply volume specification file

Hardware Options: